Monday, June 1, 2015

Teaser: Key West: The Honeymoon by PattyRose

Title: Key West: The Honeymoon

Author: PattyRose

Rating: M

Pairing: Edward/Bella


I swing my bare legs over the port side of the catamaran. A cool, ocean breeze nibbles at my toes; the spray of salty sea foam reaches up and nips my thighs.

“So, Captain Masen,” I grin, adjusting Edward’s silly sailor cap over his head, loving the way the bright, starry sky illuminates the green in his deep, lusty gaze. “We’re over a hundred miles from the nearest shore, with no other ships or souls to be seen. No phones, no TV, no computers. Surrounded by nothing but sea, fish and stars. What oh what are we going to do all alone out here for the next couple of weeks until we reach civilization once more?” I ask, trailing a rounded fingernail down his forehead, past that Greek-god nose and those pouty, twitchy lips, and past that right-angled jaw of awe, only lingering when I reach one of his nipples. I giggle aloud at the way it puckers at my touch.

He grins that sexy grin of his, the one that’s always clearly spelled out all those indecent thoughts of his; the one that always makes my pelvic muscles clench nice and tight. Wrapping a hand around my errant finger, he stills its motion and leans in, closing his warm lips around my earlobe. Gently sucking, his warm breath washes over me like the smooth waves of the ocean surrounding us, and I may as well be a jellyfish. My bones turn to mush. I am an invertebrate.

“Deep-diver…” I breathe, dropping my head.

He chuckles, big, strong hands circling my waist, pulling my chest flush against his to keep me from slinking straight into the dark waters below – just like a jellyfish.

“Oh, Beautiful Bella,” he grins coyly, “lucky for you, I’ve got both the ideas and the equipment needed to take you deep…for quite a while.”


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