Sunday, August 16, 2015

Teaser: "Falling For You" by: magan bagan

Title: Falling For You

Author: magan bagan

Rating: M

Summary: With Thanksgiving right around the corner, Bella has a lot to do before her family arrives. Like find a “husband” so her mom won’t try to set her up. But things don’t always go as planned, especially when family is involved.


“Isabella Marie Swan, are you screening your calls again?” A loud voice sounded through my apartment, waking me up.

I groaned and tried to burrow deeper under my covers.

Who was that?

Where was it coming from?

“I know you’re home, young lady. You’re always home. If you don’t pick up, I’m just going to try again.”

This time, I moaned.

It was my mother, RenĂ©e Dwyer. She’d called the landline I kept for work and decided to leave a message on the answering machine.

“Isabella, you are being ridiculous. Fine, I’m just go…”

The machine had shut off, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Peace, at least for the time being.

I attempted to go back to sleep, but the phone rang again. I cried and tried to pull one of the pillows over my head to block out the noise. It didn’t work. When the answering machine clicked on, my mother’s voice filled the apartment again.

“Honey, I didn’t want to do this in a message, but you aren’t really leaving me much choice.” She took a moment and sighed in frustration, her breath blowing out through the speaker. “Jacob is going to be joining us.”

At hearing that name, I scrambled out of the bed as quickly as I could, and ended up caught in the sheets before I managed to wriggle free. When I finally reached the phone, I was panting and wincing from banging into a table.


“Bella,” she said, a hint of worry lacing her tone. “Well, it’s about time you picked up. I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for the past thirty minutes.”


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