Monday, July 27, 2015

Teaser: "Cold Fire" by Rose B. Mashal

Title: Cold Fire

Author: Rose B. Mashal

Rating: M

Summary: The Common Deflowering scene in Black Keys. Told by Mazen's point of view.


Marie …
The name of the woman who had touched my heart with a tight grip since the very first moment I looked into her mesmerizing blue eyes.
The name of the woman who never failed to surprise me with a new thing with every new day.

The name of the woman whom I felt things for, things I'd never felt toward anyone before.

Marie …
The name I couldn't find the power to say out loud, because something in me felt as if it would burn my tongue with the passion of all of the emotions I felt for its owner if I dared to call it.
Marie … my princess, my beautiful princess.


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