Monday, July 27, 2015

Teaser: "The Final Workings of Fate" by: RosieRathbone

Title: The Final Workings of Fate

Author: RosieRathbone

Fandom: Twilight

Rating: T


Edward’s brows creased together in a frown, “that’s not your cooking I can smell?” He all but ran into the kitchen, with my hand in his. Three out of our four children were standing at the table, waiting on their father’s arrival. “Ellie-Belle!” Since the day she was born, she had had Edward wrapped around her little finger, and he obeyed her every command.   

“Happy birthday, Daddy!” Nothing made my heart beat more than the sight of my husband interacting with our babies in such a loving gesture. The feeling was just as fierce when I saw them interacting with their own.

“Marco, Fin,” he slapped their shoulders in turn, “I hope you looked after your mom when I was away?”

“Of course we have, Pa.” Finley answered proudly, accepting Edward’s manly hug.  “It’s good to have you back.”

“Yeah, Dad,” Marco broke in, “it’s not the same without your moody ass around here.” 

“Moody ass? Wow, you better tame it on those insults there, Marc.” We all cracked up laughing as the two also shared their I’m-far-too-tough-to-show-any-emotion kind of hug. “And what about your brother? Is Coop coming too?”

Now, because Ellie had showed up earlier than expected and there was no chance in hiding that, we all discussed to act like Coop wasn’t coming. Edward would be bummed, but he’d accept a family dinner for his birthday nonetheless, and it would just make it that bit better when he showed up suddenly.

“Nah, afraid not, Dad,” Fin sighed, “he said something about how Leo was sick and they had to stay and keep an eye on him.” 

I had to bite back my smile and stop myself from giving Fin a pat on the back - that excuse was perfect, and something Cooper would genuinely do. “He can’t join us on my birthday because his snake is sick...?” 

“You know what Cooper is like, Daddy,” Ellie wiped her hands on the towel at her waist, “he always puts the animals first - remember his wedding day?!”

Oh Christ, Coop’s wedding day. The day before the ceremony one of his many terrifying spiders had laid their egg sac and apparently it was a process that Coop had to keep a close eye on and suggested postponing the wedding... to watch his spider shit out a yellow balloon, filled with more terrifying creatures. His poor wife, I honestly don’t know how she stayed married to him for the past six years.  


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