Saturday, August 1, 2015

Teaser: "Annie and the Shark: The 70th Hunger Games" by: Juliet’s Shadow

Title: Annie and the Shark: The 70th Hunger Games

Author: Juliet’s Shadow

Rating: Teen


Delphi sticks her hand into the bowl and pulls out a name. The knee of my pant’s leg is in a wrinkled ball in my hand. I can only register two words in my head and I chant them over and over as if saying them will make them true. ‘Not Annie. Not Annie. Not Annie.’ Delphi opens the slip carefully, letting the suspense build. She’s a pro at building suspense. I remember reading once in the Capitol that she is the most popular escort for the Hunger Games. “And our other tribute is,” she pauses and looks directly at the camera pointed at her before she says the name, “Annie Cresta.”

For a moment I don’t register the name and I let myself take a breath. Mid exhale I realize who Delphi has said though. Annie is making her way up to the stage with tears in her eyes. She wasn’t even done grieving for Shark when her own name was called. She’s shaking on the stage and Delphi calls for volunteers. There are none. Shark pulls Annie in for a hug. I wish I could do the same, but that would be inappropriate since the cameras are rolling. I have to remain aloof for the Capitol even though my heart is breaking inside my chest. Annie must know this. I look at her and Shark, as if I am just another mentor, sizing up their tributes, but my eyes say so much more. I notice Shark look over Annie’s shoulder and locks eyes with me, and nods. Him and I make a silent pact. Annie comes out of these games.


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