Saturday, August 8, 2015

Teaser: "A Tale of Two Chocolates" by: bornonhalloween

Title: A Tale of Two Chocolates
Author: bornonhalloween
Rating: T for themes not suitable for children


…Reese bolts from between my feet, leash flying off my wrist as she bounds across the waiting room.

I’m on my feet, but she’s brown lightning. “Come back here! Stay! Stop!” Shit . . . what was the command? “Whoa! Come?” Ignoring the sniggers from the other humans in the waiting room, I sprint after the pink rope, praying the hallway is short and the vet has a sense of humor.

Reese plants her front paws on the slippery floor, skidding but not quite stopping before slamming into a man’s dark dress shoe and toppling face-first between his legs. There’s a comical flurry of nails clicking on the linoleum as she scrambles onto her paws and immediately starts jumping and nipping at the man’s ankle. He crouches and offers her a knuckle to chew on. “Well, hello there”—the man peeks between Reese’s legs, causing me to blush on her behalf—“girl.”

This is very bad behavior the stranger is reinforcing. Reese has already chewed through my favorite pair of slippers and half the woodwork in my kitchen. I’ve run through three bottles of sour apple spray in the two weeks I’ve had her. I should tell him to stop, and I open my mouth to do just that, but then, my eyes drift up his expensive-looking navy suit, along the diagonally-striped tie perfectly knotted at his collar, and land on his gorgeous face.


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