Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Teaser: "Hotel 180" by: jlho

Title: Hotel 180

Author: jlho

Fandom: Twilight

Rating: M


  I flipped my head upside down and turned on my hairdryer. It sounded like I started a jet engine and the setting on it was too high. I tried to turn it to something 

less than flambé, while I moved it around my frizzing, brunette waves. Just as I was getting lightheaded and remembered I was not a bat, I smelled the distinct smell 

of burning hair and felt pain. The dryer had started a cumbersome love affair with a couple of stands of my hair and refused to let them go. 
    "Son of an owl!" 
Begrudgingly, I pulled the traitorous dryer away, and turned it off. ”Blasted thing." 

In order to teach it a lesson, I threw the dryer back in its spot on the counter. It was almost older than I was, but I kept it. 
    Waste not want not. 
    Firmly, I grasped a nearby clip and twisted my hair into it. It hardly kept it contained, but it was passable. My elf ears could feel the invading cold and seemed to 

grow more pointy. My face puckered at my reflection, but I looked alright enough. It didn't matter if my subconscious disagreed with me because I was still running 

    I should have that emblazoned on a jersey or engraved at one of those personalizing coffee mug places. 
    I'm Bella and I'm running late.


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