Sunday, August 2, 2015

Teaser: "Re-Taken" by: Loopylou992

Title: Re-Taken
Author: Loopylou992
Rating: M
Tonight was a big night for us, it was Esme's birthday. She’d booked a table for the whole family to have dinner together. I tried to get out of it, saying I wasn't sure we'd be able to make it, but she simply gave me her well practiced 'mom look', and I backed down and agreed instantly. Even though my heart really wasn’t in it, there was no point fighting her. This is how we found ourselves dressed up for a night out. It felt strange wearing something other than sweats and t-shirt, my recent clothing of choice, but I had to make the effort. Bella had encouraged me and after we’d talked things through we decided to go the lake house for a few days straight afterwards. It was strange as so much happened there, I was worried it would bring back those bad memories. I’d told Bella and my family the truth while there last time. But, given the fact Bella and I saved and strengthened our relationship there, it felt right to go there, just us two. In the back of my mind, I knew what I wanted to do next, I wanted to ask her to marry me, to spend the rest of her life with me. Not because I was broken and she was the glue holding my fragile psyche together like so many would think, but because I loved her and never wanted to let her go. If the nightmare I’d endured had taught me anything, it was that.
  All the way through dinner, I was on edge and physically flinched everytime someone came near the table. I didn't know what I was expecting to happen. I mean it wasn't like someone was going to come in and abduct me out of a crowded restaurant, but then again I hadn’t expected to be snatched off the street  It was just all part of the PTSD my therapist said I would experience for some time. No matter how irrational I knew these fears to be, I still felt that something could easily happen. Being around large groups of people I didn't know made me even more nervous, plus I didn't want to let Bella out of my sight. Ever since the day I thought she’d died at the cultural center at the hands of James, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. It was nearly enough to push me over the edge of my already frayed sanity. I wouldn't survive if anything happened to her.


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